Daily Life/English

[TIL] 영어 - 2022.07.20 (Wed)

Sujin Lee (Daisy) 2022. 7. 20. 23:24


deep dive into ~~ 


boilerplate code

--> boilerplate: The term boilerplate refers to standardized text, copy, documents, methods, or procedures that may be used over again without making major changes to the original. 


parentheses: 괄호 

denote: 나타내다 


truth be told

: —used to say what are the true or real facts about something

: —used to say that one is stating the truth

ex) Truth be told, I'm still not completely sure what happened.

ex) Truth be told, we don't know yet if the car will be an i5 or an i6.  (by 스티브 잡스..) 

ex) The Truth Be Told: The Pandemic Is Still With Us (기사 제목) 

truth be told = if truth be told


(시간) 3:45  - "quarter to four"라고 말함...


I owe you on an apology


Could you elaborate more on that?

조금 더 자세히 설명해주실 수 있나요? (정중) <-- 회의에서 자주 씀. 


foolproof 실패할[잘못 될] 염려가 없는

: incapable of going wrong or being misused.

ex) a foolproof security system

ex) How to grow your hair faster: 7 foolproof tips from pro stylists. 


deduce 추론하다

: arrive at (a fact or a conclusion) by reasoning; draw as a logical conclusion.

ex) We cannot deduce very much from these figures.

ex) The researchers can deduce many details just from the fact that the casts exist in the first place.



ex) Agile experts see these values as important underpinnings of the highest performing teams. 


underpin (주장을) 뒷받침하다, (벽에) 지지물을 받치다

: support (a building or other structure) from below by laying a solid foundation below ground level or by substituting stronger for weaker materials.


Chances are that ... : ~할 수도 있다, ~할 가능성이 있다. 

ex) The chances are that will break the strike.

ex) Chances are that pitch will come shortly.


build trust 신뢰를 구축하다 

ex) 18 Practical ways to build trust in the workplace. 


There isn’t anything quite like ~~: ~~만한 것이 없다. ~~만큼 좋은 것은 없다. (~~가 좋다는 뜻) 

ex) There isn’t anything quite like Super Bowl commercials. For many of you, it’s the best part of the game.

ex) There isn’t anything quite like face-to-face communication. Face-to-face communication is the best. 

ex) There isn't anything quite like the feeling of tranquillity that you'll get when you witness the grandeur of a sea called life. 

ex) There isn't anything quite like these new colorful drinks on the Starbucks Secret Menu. 


On the flip side 반면에

ex) For people in the upper class, every day is filled with leisure. On the flip side, the poor have typically slogged. 


flip side 반대편, 이면  

: the opposite, less good, or less popular side of something:

: 1. the reverse and usually less popular side of a phonograph record
  2. a reverse or opposite side, aspect, or result



agility 민첩

ex) 5 Ways to Elevate Your Agility Traning 

ex) "though he was without formal training as dancer or athlete, his physical agility was inexhaustible"


This conveys that ~~~ 


susceptible to ~:  ~ 하기 쉬운 

: likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing.

ex) Agile works best in projects that are susceptible to change.  


acronym 두음문자 

: an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA ).

: 두문자어 (예를 들어, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (후천성 면역 결핍증)을 나타내는 AIDS처럼 단어의 머리글자로 만든 말)


volatility 변동성