Daily Life/English

[TIL] 영어 - 2022.08.01 (Mon)

Sujin Lee (Daisy) 2022. 8. 1. 15:46


1. 불만 2. 불평을 해 대다



비하하는, 모욕적인 


1. (사람을) 소원하게[멀어지게] 만들다
2. 소외감을 느끼게 하다


ex) When you're setting up difficulty levels, maybe try naming your least challenging one "story mode" or something? 

Something that signifies that the player is playing for the experience rather than the challenge? 

Terms like "super easy" or "baby mode" are kind of demeaning

Remember a lot of people picking that mode are families or busy parents. 

Why alienate those people? 



1. 먹다 [마시다]

2. 참가하다 


annual appraisal 성과평가 / 인사고과 

ex) Most white-collar professionals partake in some form of annual appraisal, performance development review or 360-degree feedback, in which peers, subordinates and managers submit praise and criticism. 


leapfrog 뛰어넘다, 도약 



