Daily Life/English

[TIL] 영어 - 2022.07.24 (Sun)

Sujin Lee (Daisy) 2022. 7. 24. 15:15

overarching (많은 것에 관련되므로) 대단히 중요한

: most important, because of including or affecting all other areas


pitfall 함정


working in Scrum



: a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business.


humming along

: if you say things are humming along (nicely), it means that things are going fine


spikes and dips = up and down 정도로 이해하면 될 듯.  

 - spike: a sharp increase in the magnitude or concentration of something.

 - dip: a brief downward slope followed by an upward one.

detrimental 해로운 /ˌdetrəˈmen(t)l/

: tending to cause harm.


in a nutshell (최대한 간단하게) 요약하자면 

: in the fewest possible words.

lingo (특정 집단이 쓰는) 용어 (=jargon)


roll out / roll sth out

(신상품을) 출시하다, (새로운 정치 캠페인을) 시작하다 (=launch)
: officially launch or introduce a new product or service.

ex) Sephora’s goal was to develop an organized and efficient process for rolling out customer-centered initiatives.


ideate 생각하다


called upon 

call on/upon somebody: (연설 등을) ~에게 청하다[부탁하다], 요구하다

ex) Expertise is called upon because multiple teams are contributing something that falls in their specific realm of functional expertise


impede 방해하다 



1. (전후좌우로 천천히) 흔들리다[흔들다]
2. (마음을) 흔들다[동요시키다] (=influence)

: move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backward and forward or from side to side.

: control or influence (a person or course of action).

ex) he's easily swayed by other people


incentivize (인센티브를 주어) 장려하다

: provide (someone) with an incentive for doing something.

ex) this is likely to incentivize management to find savings


ex) Some people are swayed by financial incentives, while others are incentivized by social justice impacts.  


in tandem with ~와 함께 


call for ~을 필요로 하다 

: to need or deserve a particular action, remark, or quality

ex) Some situations will call for coaching, and others will call for management. 

ex) This calls for a celebration!
ex) It's the sort of work that calls for a high level of concentration.


instill 주입하다 

: gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude, especially a desirable one) in a person's mind.

: put (a substance) into something in the form of liquid drops.

exhilarating 아주 신나는

: making one feel very happy, animated, or elated; thrilling.