Daily Life/English

[ESL] Mon Jun 3 2024 - English Poetries & Daily Life

Sujin Lee (Daisy) 2024. 6. 5. 09:55


Words/Expressions Meaning
stake ex) I stake my reputation/claim. 
at stake = at risk
ex) What's at stake if I fail? 
nursery rhyme  A nursery rhyme is a traditional poem or song for young children, often passed down through generations. These rhymes are typically simple, rhythmic, and easy for children to remember and recite. They are often used to teach language, counting, and other basic skills, as well as to entertain.
ex) "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
ex) Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. 
hippity-hoppity 깡충깡충
place setting 식탁에 사람마다 자리셋팅 해두는 거. 접시/포크/나이프 등등. 
ex) Excuse me, we need one more place setting. 
ex) Could you double-check the place settings for table six? We have a reservation coming in shortly 
silverware 포크 나이프 등등 = cutlery = tableware 
prenatal 출생 전 
ex) She attended regular prenatal appointments to monitor the health and development of her unborn baby
ex) prenatal vitamins, prenatal yoga, .... 
OB/GYN 산부인과(obstetrics + gynaecology)