Daily Life/English

[En] February English Expressions

Sujin Lee (Daisy) 2025. 2. 4. 13:01


Words/Expressions Meaning/Examples
= expatriate
a person who lives outside their native country.
speck a tiny spot.

ex) A few specks of dry mix may remain. 
ex) "There was a tiny speck of dust on my glasses, so I wiped them clean."
that said 그렇긴 하지만(앞에 말한 의견의 강도를 줄이기 위한 내용을 언급할 때 씀)
even so (introducing a concessive statement).

ex) "I don’t usually like spicy food. That said, this dish is actually really good."
ex) "He’s very busy with work. That said, he always makes time for his family."
ex) "This hotel is quite expensive. That said, the service is excellent."
Amendment 수정헌법
 - '수정헌법 XX조'는 'XXst Amendment'와 같이 서수 + A를 대문자로 쓴다. 

ex) Executive Order on Birthright Citizenship: On January 20, 2025, President Trump signed Executive Order 14160, titled "Protecting the Meaning and Value of American Citizenship." This order seeks to reinterpret the 14th Amendment's Citizenship Clause to end birthright citizenship for children born in the U.S. to unauthorized immigrants and those on temporary visas. The order has faced immediate legal challenges, with a federal judge temporarily blocking its implementation, citing constitutional concerns. 
facade 1. the face of a building, especially the principal front that looks onto a street or open space.
 - 건물의 얼굴, 특히 거리나 열린 공간을 바라보는 정면
2. an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality.
 - A false or deceptive outward appearance – It means pretending to be something you're not or hiding true feelings.
 - 본인의 실제 모습 또는 감정을 숨기려고 거짓으로 꾸며낸 외적인 모습. 

ex) "He kept a calm facade, but inside he was really nervous."
ex) "She always acted cheerful, but it was just a facade to hide her sadness."
ex) "He put on a confident facade, but deep down, he was really unsure of himself."
ex) "Their marriage looked perfect from the outside, but it was just a facade hiding their problems."
laundromat 빨래방 
 - 세탁소 말고. 코인 세탁기 있는 빨래방. 
novelty 1. 새로움, 참신함, 신기함
2. 작고 비싸지 않은 장난감이나 장식품

ex) "The kids loved the novelty toys that came in their party favor bags."
ex) "At the fair, I bought a funny novelty keychain shaped like a tiny hamburger."
ex) "The store sells holiday novelty items like snow globe ornaments and light-up reindeer pens."
reinstatement 복위, 복권, 복직, 회복, 수복 

ex) "After the investigation, the employee’s reinstatement was approved, and he returned to work."
ex) "The school announced the reinstatement of the old dress code policy."
ex) "He had to pay a fine before the reinstatement of his suspended driver's license."
dustpan 쓰레받기

ginko 은행 

welcome aboard 그룹/조직/vehicle에 오는걸 환영한다는 인사. 
a greeting that means you are welcoming someone into a group, organization, or vehicle. 

ex) "Welcome aboard, Daisy! We’re excited to have you join the team."
 - when a new employee joins a company.
 - when a new team member joins a project or initiative. 
ex) "Welcome aboard, and thank you for choosing our services! We look forward to working with you."
 - Businesses may use this phrase when onboarding new clients or customers
ex) 전철에 문에 붙어있는 문구 

'welcome aboard' vs 'welcome on board'
 - “welcome on board”가 aboard보다 조금 더 formal함 
hearth the floor of a fireplace.

comfort food 향수나 감정을 불러일으키는 음식. 주로 어릴적이나 집에서 먹었던 요리와 연결됨. 
Food that provides a nostalgic or sentimental value to someone and may be characterized by its high caloric nature associated with childhood or home cooking. The nostalgia may be specific to an individual or it may apply to a specific culture.
이가 흔들리다  "My tooth is loose": 가장 흔히 쓰이는 표현. 
"My tooth is shaky." 이빨에도 쓸 수는 있지만 shaky는 보통 손/발에 더 많이 씀. 
"My tooth is wobbly.": 아가들이 쓰는 표현. 
"My tooth is wiggly.": 아가들이 쓰는 표현. 
postpartum 산후  
ex) She started running to overcome postpartum blues. 
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