Daily Life/English

[Netflix] Into the Fire - Vocab/Expressions

Sujin Lee (Daisy) 2024. 9. 18. 01:37


this and that 이것저것
(informal) various unspecified things. 
ex) "they stayed up chatting about this and that"
drop the ball 실수하다 
(informal) make a mistake; mishandle things.
sleuth 탐정, 형사 
a person who investigates crimes; a detective.
spook  (사람·동물을) 겁먹게 하다, 겁먹다
(informal) frighten; unnerve.
"they spooked a couple of grizzly bears"
cold case  미제사건
ex) Her biological mother received a shocking letter that took the cold case
요지부동의, 단호한 
refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind.
ex) The athelete is adamant his wrist isn’t affecting throws
demeanor 겉으로 보이는 태도/행실 
outward behavior or bearing.
ex) "a quiet, somber demeanor"
yank [v] (informal) pull with a jerk. 홱 잡아당기다. 
[n] (informal) a sudden hard pull.
ex) "one of the other girls gave her ponytail a yank"
abduct 납치하다
take (someone) away by force or deception; kidnap.
ex) M said that she believed DB to be the man who tried to abduct and harm her as a child. 
get behind the wheel (idiom) 자동차를 운전하기 위해 운전석에 앉다. 한국어로 치면 '운전대를 잡다' 정도. 
to sit in the driver's seat or to drive a vehicle.
ex) Time to get behind the wheel and race off into the sunset
chime in  (idiom) 1. 대화나 토론에 자신의 의견이나 의견을 덧붙이다. 
2. 어떤 것에 동의하거나 조화를 이룬다
to add one's opinion or comment to a conversation or discussion. 
a brick, stone, or concrete area in front of a fireplace. 
the floor of a fireplace. 

demean 1. (자신의) 위신을 떨어뜨리다
2. 품위를 손상시키다, 비하하다 (=degrade)
cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for (someone or something).
"I had demeaned the profession"
do something that is beneath one's dignity.
demure 얌전한, 조용한
tear off 

pensive 깊은 생각에 잠긴, 수심어린 
engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought.

put up with 참다, 견디다 
tolerate or endure something.
ex) Travel delays have become the norm. We shouldn’t put up with them
위로/동정을 표하다 
express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize.
molest (특히 아동을) 성추행하다 (=abuse)
sexually assault or abuse (a person, especially a child).
allegation 혐의[주장] (=accusation)
a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.
ex) He was at the centre of a media frenzy last summer after reports emerged of an initially unnamed BBC presenter’s alleged relationships with a series of young people.
ex) Timeline: How allegations against HE unfolded
get one's way 자기 길을 가다. 자신의 생각대로 하다.
--> 다른 사람의 욕망, 계획에도 불구하고 자신이 얻고 싶거나 하고 싶은 것을 얻거나 하는 것
to get or do what one wants to get or do despite the desires, plans, etc., of other people. 
ex) Lina Khan may want to take the fight to Big Tech, but she should expect a long, drawn-out legal battle if she is to get her way.
somber 어두침침한, 우울한 
dark or dull in color or tone; gloomy.

panic-stricken  affected with panic; very frightened.
ex) "We are devastated and panic stricken."
turmoil  혼란, 소란 
a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.
ex) Political turmoil after NYC’s chief legal counsel LZ abruptly quits. 
rip to shreds (informal) to criticize someone or something in a very harsh or angry way

1. to destroy something or damage it badly by tearing it in many places
ex) My cat is ripping sofa to shreds.
2. (informal) to strongly criticize someone, or criticize their opinions, remarks, behaviour etc
have chip on shoulder  have an angry or unpleasant attitude or way of behaving caused by a belief that one has been treated unfairly in the past. 
ex) She always had this chip on her shoulder. ‘Well, all the kids know I’m a prisoner’s daughter.’
ex)  "He has had a chip on his shoulder ever since he didn't get the promotion he was expecting".
parole 가석방
ex) Parole absconder caught with gun
ex) Armed, convicted sex offender on parole arrested Sunday
ex) he committed a burglary while on parole
rattle 1. 달가닥거리다, 덜커덩거리다
딱딱한 표면/물체에 반복적으로 흔들거나 부딪혀서 짧고 날카로운 소리가 빠르게 연속적으로 나는 것 
similar) caltter, clang, clank, clink
2. 딸랑이 
commotion 소란, 소동
a state of confused and noisy disturbance.
ex) "she was distracted by a commotion across the street"
ex) The TV show host halts debate minutes into show as viewers slam 'unbearable' commotion outside
holler (informal) 소리지르다, 고함치다 
(informal) (of a person) give a loud shout or cry.
ranting 연이은 고함[호통] 소리
a long, angry, and impassioned speech.
rant (못마땅함) 고함치다, 큰소리로 불평하다
ex) Kanye West goes on scathing rant about Taylor Swift & brags he still ‘helps her career’
ex) ‘Why’s he still in F1?’ - JV's explosive rant about DR
rave (화가 나서) 미친 듯이 악을 쓰다[고래고래 소리를 지르다]
열변을 토하다, 격찬[극찬]하다
1. talk wildly or incoherently, as if one were delirious or insane.
2. speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm or admiration.
ex) "People Are Raving About KitchenAid's New Mixer But Is It Really Worth $700?"
conform 1. (관습 등에) 따르다[순응하다]
2. (규칙·법 등에) 따르다[맞다] (=comply)
comply with rules, standards, or laws.
ex) "the kitchen does not conform to hygiene regulations"
1. (두 가지 이상의 생각·요구 등을) 조화시키다
2. 화해시키다
3. (어쩔 수 없는 불쾌한 상황을 체념하고) 받아들이다
to find a way in which two situations or beliefs that are opposed to each other can agree and exist together:
ex) "It is sometimes difficult to reconcile science and religion."
ex) "It's difficult to reconcile such different points of view."
standoffish (informal) 쌀쌀한, 냉담한, 태도가 차가운 
(informal) distant and cold in manner; unfriendly.
ex) He became standoffish with the cops.
taunting 모욕적이거나 경멸적인 방식으로 누군가를 자극하는 것 
intended to provoke someone in an insulting or contemptuous manner.
ex) College Football QB Facing Intense Backlash After Costly Taunting Penalty
ex) Nigerians taunt South Africans with Tyla's song Water after Afcon victory
toe-to-toe  정면으로 맞서는 
to be willing or able to compete or fight with someone in a strong, forceful, determined way
ex) "Target Circle Week goes toe-to-toe with Amazon Prime Day"