Words/Expressions | Meaning/Example |
ditch | 1. 배수로 ![]() 2. 버리다 ex) (케빈이 하는 말) "It's a good thing I have my own ticket just in case you guys try to ditch me" |
wait up! | 기다려! - wait 뒤에 붙은 up은 그냥 강조의 느낌으로 쓰인것. 예를 들어 그냥 'hurry!'라고 해도 되는데 'hurry up!'이라고 하는 것처럼. ex) "Wait up! I can’t walk that fast." ex) "Hey, wait up! I need to talk to you before you go." |
bandit | 노상강도 a robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area. |
howdy | (informal) = how do you do = hello |
mischief | 나쁜 짓[장난], 장난기 - 브랜드 '미스치프' ex) "The kids got into mischief while their parents were out, drawing on the walls with crayons." ex) "The puppy's mischief included chewing on shoes and knocking over the trash can." ex) "Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she planned a harmless prank on her brother." |
mischievous | 짓궂은, 말썽꾸러기의 |
hang onto (sth) | to keep something, often when you must make an effort to do this: ex) (호텔 직원이 케빈 가방 뒤지려다가 걸리니까 열쇠 넣어주려고 한 것처럼 말하면서) Do you want me to put the key in the bag, or do you just want to hang onto it? 열쇠를 가방에 넣을까요, 아니면 그냥 들고 있을래요? --> (케빈이 가방이랑 열쇠 가져가면서) I'll hang onto it. 걍 들고 있을게요 ex) "Hang onto your hat; it’s windy outside." ex) "Hang onto the railing so you don’t slip on the stairs." 계단에서 미끄러지지 않게 난간을 꼭 잡으세요 |
smooch | 키스하며 껴안다. kiss and cuddle amorously. 케빈이 보던 흑백영화에서 나이든 남자 주인공이 예쁜 여자한테 "You were here... and you were smooching with my brother! I believe in you, but my tommy gun don't!" |
cannonball | 1. 대포(cannon)에서 발사된 포환 2. (북미) 무릎을 가슴에 깍지 낀 채 똑바로 서서 물속으로 뛰어드는 행위. ex) (케빈이 수영장에 점프하려고 하면서 주변 어른들한테 물어봄) "Would it bother anyone if I worked on my cannonballs?" ![]() |
beat it! | 절로 가! (도둑 해리가 비둘기를 신문지로 때리면서... 절로 가라고...) (informal) = go away!/depart! |
ergo | =therefore 그러므로 |
turtle dove | 멧비둘기 |
nippy | 1. (informal) (날씨가) 추운, 차가운 2. 날쌘, 재빠른 ex) "It’s a bit nippy outside—better grab your jacket." ex) "The wind was nippy this morning, making it feel colder than usual." ex) "He turned up the heat in the car because it was getting nippy." |
knock off | (informal) 일을 멈추다 1. Stop Doing Something (Usually Work) ex) "Let's knock off for the day" 오늘은 이제 일 그만하자 ex) "Let’s knock off early today and grab dinner." ex) "He knocked off work at 5 PM and went straight home." 2. Reduce or Deduct (a Price) ex) "Can you knock off $10? This seems a bit expensive." ex) "The seller agreed to knock off 20% for the damaged item." 3. Imitate or Copy (Often Illegally) ex) "This bag is a cheap knock-off of a designer brand." ex) "Be careful where you shop; some stores sell products that are knocked off." 4. Eliminate or Defeat (Informal) ex) "The underdog team knocked off last year’s champions!" ex) "The detective is trying to find out who knocked off the victim in the mystery novel." |
knock it off! | (informal) 그만해!! 그만둬!! = cut it out! an informal way of telling someone to stop doing something, especially if it’s annoying, disruptive, or inappropriate. It's often used when someone wants another person to stop an action that is bothering them.' ex) "Knock it off! You’re making the situation worse." ex) "Stop making that noise and knock it off!" via GIPHY |
cut it out | (informal) 그만해 - 특히 아래와 같은 손동작과 함께 쓰인다. ex) Cut it out with the jokes, we need to focus." ex) "Cut it out! That behavior is not acceptable." via GIPHY via GIPHY |
come along | 1. Accompany Someone or Join In - To go with someone or join an activity. ex) "We’re going to the park—want to come along?" 같이 갈래? ex) "You can come along to the meeting if you’re free." 2. Progress or Improve - To make progress or develop in some way. ex) "Her piano playing is really coming along." ex) "The project is coming along nicely; we’re almost done." 3. Appear or Arrive - To show up or be discovered unexpectedly. ex) "An opportunity like this doesn’t come along every day." ex) "A new bus should come along in a few minutes." ex) (호텔 지배인이 호텔 직원 끌고 가면서) "Come along, Cedric(직원이름)!" 같이 가야지, 세드릭! |
undertaker | 장의사![]() |
mutter | 중얼거리다, 투덜거리다 via GIPHY |
fugitive | 도망자, 탈주자, 도망 다니는 a fugitive criminal: 도망 중인 범죄자 ex) "The police are searching for the fugitive who escaped from prison." ex) "The fugitive crossed the border into another country to avoid capture." |
in the trenches | 힘들고 도전적인 상황에 깊이 관여하고 있는 . to be deeply involved in a difficult or challenging situation ex) "As a product manager, I’ve been in the trenches for years, dealing with deadlines and client requests." ex) "The team spent hours in the trenches to get the project ready for the launch." (This implies they were working hard and dealing with difficult tasks during the preparation.) The phrase evokes a sense of effort, commitment, and firsthand experience in dealing with challenges. It’s often used in business, leadership, sports, and military contexts (both literal and metaphorical). ex) "Our team has been in the trenches working to finish this report." ex) "Leaders who’ve been in the trenches know how to inspire their teams." cf) trench: 도랑, 해자, 참호. - 'in the trench’라는. 표현은 원래 제1차 세계대전 당시 참호에서 싸우는 병사들을 가리키는 말이었지만, 오늘날에는 힘들고 도전적이거나 일상적인 업무나 일에 깊이 관여하는 것을 은유적으로 설명할 때 사용됩니다. 종종 어렵거나 격렬한 상황의 최전선에 서서 문제를 직접적이고 지칠 줄 모르고 해결하는 것을 의미합니다. cf) trench coat |
sissy | (derogatory•informal) 기집애 같은 놈. - 모욕하는... 그런 발언... 전통적인 남성성/여성성 이분법에 입각하여... 주로 남자한테 쓰는데, 남성성에 부합하지 않게 약하거나 겁이 많거나 여성스럽다거나 예민하다는 비난으로 쓰임.... ex) "Stop being such a sissy and come try it!" (도둑 해리가 마브한테 하는 말) via GIPHY |
hop in | 1. 차에 타다 ex) (무슨 밴드 아저씨가 자기네 차에 타라고 케빈 엄마한테 말함) "Hope in!" 차에 타요! ex) "The car is ready, hop in!" ex) "Let’s go, hop in the back seat!" via GIPHY 2. 빠르게 무언가에 참여하거나 들어가다 ex) "If you're ready, hop in and we’ll get started." ex) "Hop in, the meeting is about to begin." |
derogatory /dɪˈrɑː.ɡə.tɔːr.i/ /dr·aa·guh·taw·ree/ |
폄하하는 |
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