crevice | (바위나 담에 생긴) 틈 |
admirable /ˈadm(ə)rəb(ə)l/ |
감탄스러운, 존경스러운 [ad] arousing or deserving repect and approval. - ex) "Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules." |
clatter | (그릇 등이) 달그락하는 소리를 내다, 달그락하는 소리 [n] a continuous rattling sound as of hard objects falling or striking each other. - ex) The horse spun around with a clatter of hooves.(발굽) [v] make or cause to make a continuous rattling sound. - ex) Her coffee cup clattered in the saucer. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
clang | [n] a loud, resonant metallic sound or series of sounds. - ex) The steel door slammed shut with a clang. [v] make or cause to make a clang - ex) The belfry(종탑) still clangs its bell at 9 p.m. ![]() ![]() |
trivial /ˈtrivēəl/ |
사소한, 하찮은 [ad] of little value or importance. - ex) Huge fines were imposed for trivial offenses. - ex) A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknown of time travel. (공간이동 말고 시간 이동 하고 싶어하는 No.5에게 하그리브스가 하는 말) |
akin | ~와 유사한 [ad] of similar character. - ex) Something akin to gratitude overwhelemed her. - ex) Time travel is akin to descending blindly into the depth of the freezing water. |
crapshoot | (informal) a risky or uncertain matter - ex) Time travel is a crapshoot. - ex) Predicting any extreme weather event is a scientific crapshoot. |
no point ~ing | (There's) no point (in) (doing sth) - ex) No point keeping it bottled up, or it'll just give you heartburn. |
bottled up sth | to refuse to talk about sth that angers or worries you - ex) Feelings that had been bottled up for years came flooding out. |
per diem | - 'daily allowance.' - Latin for "per day" or "for each day" - a specif ic amount of money that an organization gives an individual, typically an employee, per day to cover living expenses when travelling on the employer's business. |
dispatch | (특별한 목적으로 위해) 파견하다 |
one in a blue moon | (informal) very rarely. - ex) This is a once in a blue moon type of situation, I'd say. |
be inclined to agree/think/believe | to hold a particular opinion, but not very strongly. to have an opinion, but not a strong opinion. - ex) I'm inclined to agree (with you). |
lousy | (아주) 안 좋은, 형편없는 [ad] very poor or bad; disgusting - ex) That's lousy luck. 운이 없었네. - ex) The service is usually lousy |
confiscate | 압수하다 [v] take or seize (someone's property) with authority. - ex) I'm confiscating this. (이거 압수할게.) - ex) Video of a criminal being confiscated by FBI viewed 500K times. - ex) Hundreds of illegal fireworks confiscated by police over the weekend. |
ornate | (특히 아주 작거나 복잡한 디자인으로) 화려하게 장식된 [ad] made in an inricate shape or decorated with complex patterns. - ex) An ornate wrought-iron railing - ex) An ornate box with pearl inlay has gone missing. ![]() ![]() |
pawn shop | 전당포 |
absolve | (~에 대해) 무죄임을 선언하다, (죄를) 용서하다 [v] set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility. - ex) The pardon absolved of any crimes. - ex) Were they to find their way back to the office, whoever took it would be absolved of any blame of consequences. |
ballistics | 탄도학 |
piehole | (속어) 입 - ex) Shut your piehole. |
drop dead | (속어) used as an expression of intense scorn or dislike. a rude way of telling someone that you are annoyed with them and want them to go away or be quiet. - ex) Oh, just drop dead! - ex) Why don't you just drop dead? |
low blow | (속어) an action or comment that is very hurtful and unfair. a criticism or unkind act that is unexpected and unfair. - ex) Criticizing his wife's family was a low blow. - ex) ‘Serious Low Blow’: Chris Rock Gets Slammed by Bobby Brown, Fans Over His Joke About Late Whitney Houston’s Alleged Crack Use |
bureaucracy /byo͝oˈräkrəsē/ |
관료(체제) |
scumbag | (속어) 쓰레기 같은 인간 a contemptible or objectionable person. |
recess | (법정 재판 중) 휴회, 휴회 기간 [n] 1. a small space created by building part of a wall further back from the rest. 2. a period of time when the proceedings of a parliament, committee, cour of law, or other official body are temporarily suspended. [v] attach (a fixture) by setting it back into the wall or surface to which it is fixed. |
dismissive | 무시하는 [ad] feeling or showing that sth is unworthy of consideration. - ex) Sorry, I was dismissive. |
raid | 습격, 급습, (경찰의) 현장 급슥 습격[급습]하다, 불시에 들이닥치다 ![]() |
misguided | [ad] having or showing faulty judgment or reasoning. - ex) Misguided attempts to promote political correctness. - ex) I was really young when I had my son. I was terribly misguided. |
whimper /ˈ(h)wimpər/ |
[v] 훌쩍이다, 훌쩍이며 말하다 [n] (사람이) 훌쩍거림, (동물이) 낑낑거림 ![]() ![]() [v] (of a person or animal) make a series of low, feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain, or discontent. - ex) A child in a bed nearby began to whimper [n] a low, feeble sound expressive of fear or pain - ex) She gave a little whimper of protest. |
wrap one's head around | : to find a way to understand or accept (something) = to understand sth - ex) I just couldn't wrap my mind around what had happened. - ex) It's sort of hard to wrap your head around. |
prosthetics | (의족, 의안, 의치 같은) 인공 기관들 ![]() |
lighten up | to take things less seriously. - ex) You need to lighten up, old man. |
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