Daily Life/English

[TWIL] 2월 4주 영어 공부

Sujin Lee (Daisy) 2021. 2. 22. 22:43


<2021.02.23 (Tue)> - Don't be Afraid of Risks 


Script : www.ted.com/talks/morgan_spurlock_the_greatest_ted_talk_ever_sold/transcript#t-188781


premiere : 개봉하다. 

ex) His first stage play was premiered at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre

ex) Minari, which is a semi-autobiographical take on a director's upbringing, the plot follows a family of South Korean immigrants who try to make it in America during the 1980s.

It had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 26, 2020


relinquish : (특히 마지못해 소유권 등을) 포기하다[내주다] (=give up)


embrace the risk 

ex) You need a indset that is willing to embrace risk. A mindset that is striving to take that next step.

ex) Whatever the goal, people with a mindset that embraces risk understand that you can’t allow a fear of failure to hold you back. 


billboards : 아래와 같이 생긴 옥외광고판


1. Should we ban advertising in the cities? 

IIn my opinion, kicking ads in the cities is not a great idea. First, ads in the cities such as billboards give us information. For example, we can know the figures and traits of newly produced car by looking at ads. Second, advertising is an important source of revenue for many cities.


2. Should companies be allowed to advertise in schools?

Advertising in schools should be forbidden. Because by allowing ads on school grounds, there is a risk of promoting negative values and ideas associated with the advertised product. For instance, with constant exposure to the advertisement of unhealthy foods, kids can have a positive attitude to those foods and have bad eating habits.


3. Are you a risk taker or do you like to stay away from risks? 

I prefer to stay away from risks than embrace the risk. I admit that the sentence "High risk, high return." but sometimes you can lose a lot if you take a risk. There are many variables that you cannot control in the world and you cannot get the best result that you want all the time. Since I don't want to experience serious failure, I would like to choose stable options in my life. 


4. Does your company allow people to take risks? 



5. Would you embrace fear if it leads to success? 



6. Is it essential for leaders to embrace fear and embrace risk? 



7. Can you tell me when you took a risk? What happend? 



8. What is the biggest risk you have ever taken? Were you successful? 




<2021.02.25 (Thu)> - How to Make Work-life Balance Work 


transcript : www.ted.com/talks/nigel_marsh_how_to_make_work_life_balance_work/transcript


nub : 요지, 핵심

ex) The nub of the problem lies elsewhere. 

ex) The nub of the matter is that business is declining. 


incompatible : 발음이랑 강세 주의!! [ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbl] 2음절에 강세임!!


startle : 깜짝 놀라게 하다. 

address the issue : 이슈를 다루다

thorny issue/question/problem : a issue/question/problem that is complicated and difficult  


money runs out = runs out of money = 돈이 다 떨어지다. 돈이 없다.  

ex) When the money runs out

ex) How to do if you're running out of money 

ex) What happens when the virus money runs out? 


runs out of : ~이 다 떨어지다

ex) runs out of money

runs out of food

runs out of gas

runs out of energy

runs out of battery 


flexitime(=flextime) : 근무 시간 자율 선택제


dress-down Fridays : 'dress down'은 'dress up'(차려입다)의 반대의미. 즉, 편하게 입다 정도의 뜻. --> 옷을 편하게 입는 금요일. 

회사에 금요일에 옷 편하게 입고 오게 하는 제도. 


paternity leave : 남성의 육아 휴직  

paternity : state of being a father.  \ pə-ˈtər-nə-tē \

paternal : 아버지의. 아버지같은. 부계의. 


maternity leave : 여성의 육아휴직 

maternity  = motherhood = 어머니인 상태. state of being a mother.   \ mə-ˈtər-nə-tē \

maternal : 어머니의. 모성의. 모계의. 


1. What is the ideal working hours per day? 

People should work less than 8 hours per day. If someone works 8 hours per day, for example, 9 to 6, he spends the whole morning and afternoon in the workplace. He only has an evening to have family time. It's not sufficient to maintain happy family life. 


2. Is your current situation similar or different from what he said? In what way? 



3. What do you do to achieve work-life balance in your life? 



5. If you're the CEO of a company, what will you do to help your employees have a work-life balance? 



What is your idea of a balanced personal and professional life? 

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