Daily Life/English

Vocabulary and Phrases - 2월 1주

Sujin Lee (Daisy) 2021. 2. 2. 23:26

<2021.02.06 (Sat)> - Stars Talk About Their Favorite Filming Memories

- R과 L 발음 구별 잘 하기!! 발음 유의!!! 


The people one year older than me.. (X) 

--> People who are one year older than me ... 


If you're born in the year of horse, ....


I became hated again (X) : 사람들이 나를 싫어하게 됐다는 말 ㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ

I liked it at first, but then I grew to hate it.  (O) 

It grew in me. 


I want to love it again (△)

--> I'm forcing myself to get into it again. (better) 


Influencers can make a change in society.  (△)

--> Influencers can have a great impact on society (better) 


I don't watch Neflix that often 

--> I don't spend a lot of time on Netflix/YouTube/Facebook. 


Notion: A belief or idea. 

ex) I have only a vague notion of what she does for a living. 


Springs to mind : To come quickly into your mind.

ex) Say the word "Australia" and a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately springs to mind. 


Buff : A person who knows a lot about and is very interested in a particular subject. 

ex) My husband is a computer/film buff. 


New Year's Resolution : 새해 다짐. 새해 결심. 

: a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year. 

ex) Have you made any New Year's resolution

     / Yes, I'm going to eat more healthily and give up smoking. 


Follow through : The action of completing something. 시작했던 일을 끝까지 해내다. 

ex) They made a good start at improving prison conditions, but unless they follow through, the reforms won't last. 


Lunar New Year zodiac


Male chauvinist : 남성 우월주의자. chau 발음 주의!  [|ʃoʊvɪnɪst]

 : A man who believes that women are naturally less important, intelligent, or able than men, and so does not treat men and women equally. 

ex) She called him a male chauvinist pig. 




<2021.02.04 (Thu)> - Talking About a School Assignment Gone Wrong 

To stand [sb] up : 바람맞히다. (사전 예고 없이 약속에 안 나타나는 것) 

 : When you don't arrive for a plan/meeting with somebody (and usually you don't contact them) 

ex)  I was stood up by a group of friends.

ex) He was stood up at (the altar/his wedding) 

ex) Hopeless bride cried outside a church after being stood up on her wedding day.

ex) How often is someone left at the altar?

ex) I was supposed to meet my friends on Zoom at 9, but I was stood up by them.


Over-the-counter : 처방전 없이 살 수 있는 약 

 : medicine that doesn't require a prescription. 

 ex) You can buy Tylenol over-the-counter.


To have baby : the general term used in most cases. 

ex) I'm pregnant. My baby is due next month. 

ex) I'm having a baby next month. 

ex) I don't want to have kids. 

ex) If I have a baby in Japan, ... 

ex) Is it legal to visit America to have a baby in order to create citizenship?

ex) She want to give birth in the US so her kid will be American.

To give birth : 아기를 '낳다' (physical한 의미에 초점...) produces a baby from women's body:To go into labor 

ex) Some people wnat to give birth in the US so their kid will be American. 

To go into labor : 분만하다 when you get rushed to the hospital because the giving birth process has begun. 

ex) Her husband, at home in Nigeria, cried when told by phone that she had delivered a healthy baby boy.


I couldn't take off the taxi (X) 

--> I couldn't get out of the taxi. (O) 


It's not I intended that ... (X) 

--> It's not my intention (O) 

      I didn't intend on [doing sth] (O) 


My ex company (X) 

--> My previous company (O) 


I don't throw it (X) 

--> I don't throw them out. (O) 나는 그것들을 버리지 않는다. (ex. 영화 티켓, 편지, ...) 


I threw the trashes out (X) 

--> I threw the trash out. (O) 나는 쓰레기를 버렸다. 


through out trash : 쓰레기를 버리다. 

ex) how to throw out a mattress 매트리스 버리는 방법 




<2021.02.04 (Thu)> - Why Elephants Never Forget 


proverb : 속담 


There is a proverb early bird catches the worm. (△) 

--> We have a proverb that says "The early bird catches the worm." (better) 


They're very similar to human beings. 


There are accident that make people sad. (X) 

--> There are incidents that make people sad. (O) 

Speaking할 때 단수/복수 조심!! ㅠㅠ


Forgetting something is good for sometimes. (X) 

--> Sometimes it's just better to forget. (O) 


I usually take a note (△) 

--> I usually jot down notes. (better) 


There is a beautiful sea. (△) 

--> You can see the beautiful seaside. (better) 



<2021.02.03 (Wed)>  - Explaning How I Met My Wife


upbringing : 부모의 양육방식.

 : the treatment and instruction received by a child from its parents throughout its childhood.

ex) Is it right to say all the crimes he committed were simply the result of his upbringing? 

ex) He rebelled against his strict upbringing (출처: Cambridge Dictionary)  


Keeping up with the Joneses : 남들을 따라하다. Jonses : 일반적인 사람들을 일컬음 

 : To always want to own the same expensive objects and do the same things as your friends or neighbors, because you are worried about seeming less important socially than they are. 

ex) I bought an expensive car to keep up with Joneses. 

ex) I went travel a lot in 2018 to keep up with Joneses. 


tumble : 굴러 떨어지다

 : 1) (typically of a person) fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong. 

   2) perform acrobatic or gymnastic exercises, typically handsprings and somersaults in the air. 

 : More quickly and erratically 

   ex) The cup tumbled down the stairs. 

   ex) In Cheese-Rolling Festival, a few dozen men tumble down the hill chasing after the cheese, and are scooped up by local paramedics at the end. 


technology, informatino : 셀 수 없는 명사! uncountable noun

ex) Nowadays, we have so many technologies. (X) 

      --> Nowadays, we have so much technology. (O) 


I could watch his KakaoTalk profile. (X) 

--> I could see his KakaoTalk profile (O) 

      I could look at his KakaoTalk profile (O) 


We went to the Itailian restaurant. (X) 

--> We wne to an Italian restaurant. (O) 

 - 'the'라고 하면 듣는 사람이 어떤 레스토랑인지 알 수 있어야함 ex. 눈 앞에 보이는 레스토랑 같이...

 - 그래서 그냥 '이탈리안 레스토랑 갔어'라고 말할 땐 'a' 씀 


Our growth environment was similar (X) 

--> Our upbringing was similar. 




<2021.02.02 (Tue)> - Success is a Continuous Journey 


It makes you to challenge more difficult things. 

 --> It challenges you more to overcome difficult things. 


It needs continuous effort = It needs a constant attempt.


I have to succeed in my work experience

--> I have to succeed in my work field


I'm a project manager in IT industry 

 --> I'm a project manager in an IT industry. 


The old dreams faded away after he grow up (X) 

--> The old dreams faded away after he grew up (O) 

 : 말할 때 시제 조심하자 ㅠㅠ