Daily Life/English

[CNN/Voca] Trump issues orders banning TikTok and WeChat from operating in 45 days (중략)

Sujin Lee (Daisy) 2020. 8. 8. 02:17


원문: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/06/politics/trump-executive-order-tiktok/index.html


Trump issues orders banning TikTok and WeChat from operating in 45 days if they are not sold by Chinese parent companies

President Donald Trump on Thursday issued executive orders that would ban the social media app TikTok and WeChat from operating in the US in 45 days if they are not sold by their Chinese-owned parent companies.




 - issue orders : 명령을 내리다. = give orders

   ex) Trump issues orders banning TikTok and WeChat from operating in 45 days  (출처: CNN)  
   ex) Trump issues order to ban dealings with Chinese owned Tiktok. (출처: Phayul)
   ex) Dallas County health official issues order forbidding in-person classes until Sept. 8 (출처: Fort Worth Start-Telegram
 - jurisdiction : 1. 관할권. 사법권. 2. 관할 구역. 
 - back and forth : 1. 앞뒤로의, 왔다갔다하는, 오락가락하는 2. 결론 없는 논쟁 

 - push forward : 단호하게 밀고 나가다. 밀어붙이다. (특히 장거리/힘든 길을) 계속 나아가다. 

   def) to continue doing something or making progress in something, with effort or enthusiasm. 

   ex) Their research has pushed forward the frontiers of knowledge. 

   ex) An additional grant has enabled the team to push forward with research plans. 
 - executive order : 행정명령. (미국) 대통령 명령. 
 - Treasury : 재무부. 
 - allege [əˈledʒ] : (증거 없이) 혐의를 제기하다[주장하다]
 - swath :  
   1. a row of cut grain or grass left by a scythe or mowing machine
      낫을 휘둘러 한 줄로 베어나간 자리
   2.  a long broad strip or belt. 길고 넓은 띠 또는 벨트. 
   ex) He alleges that TIkTOk captures vast swaths of information from its users.
 - proprietary : 1. 소유주의, 소유(권)의 2. 재산이 있는 3. 소유자, 소유 단체; 소유권
 - dossier : 서류
 - espionage : /ˈespēəˌnäZH/ 스파이 행위. 간첩 행위. 
 - subsidiary : 부수적인 

 - cite : 인용하다 

 - debunk : (생각/믿음 등이) 틀렸음을 드러내다.[밝히다] 

 - slam : [특히 신문에서] 맹비난하다. 

 - undermine : 약화시키다. 

 - vow: 맹세하다 

 - tribute : 1. (특히 죽은 사람에게 바치는) 헌사[찬사] 2. 공물, 조공 

 - strategize : 전략을 짜다.