Daily Life/English 56

[ESL] Mon May 13, 2024

WordsMeaningconfectionery달달한 거 adjective  /ˈa-jik-tiv/ 형용사 - be careful about the pronunciation! preposition /pre-pə-ˈzi-shən전치사knock it off(informal) stop it knock over누군가를 치거나 충돌하여 땅에 떨어뜨리다 (especially of a vehicle) strike or collide with someone so as to cause them to fall to the ground.ex) "a boy on a bike knocked him over and broke his glasses"Knock something over실수로 무언가를 치거나 밀어서 물건이 바닥이나 한..

Daily Life/English 2024.05.16

[Book] Transformed Part I-IV (Ch 1-20)

표현뜻odds가능성 ex. Odds are you have reasons for reading this. 이 글을 읽는 이유가 있을 가능성이 높습니다. stake댓가a sum of money or something else of value gambled on the outcome of a risky game or venture. ex. "playing dice for high stakes"ex. Investing in Nvidia Stock: Strategic Genius or High-Stakes Gamble?      NVidia 주식에 투자하는 것: 전략적인 천재일까 아니면 고위험 도박일까? 주로 high-stakes 로 많이 쓰임. with the stakes so high 이런식으로도 쓰이고. ..

Daily Life/English 2024.04.10

[TIIL] 영어 - 2023.01.18 (Wed)

adjourn - (재판·회의 등을) 중단하다, 휴정[휴회]하다 - break off (a meeting, legal case, or game) with the intention of resuming it later. - ex) "the meeting was adjourned until December 4" repel - (공격 대상을) 격퇴하다[물리치다] - 쫓아 버리다, 접근하지 못하게 하다 - drive or force (an attack or attacker) back or away. - ex) "they sought to repel the enemy with their machine guns" repellent - 역겨운, 혐오감을 주는 (=repulsive) - able to repel a p..

Daily Life/English 2023.01.18

[TIL] 영어 - 2022.09.13 (Tue)

concision 간결 ex) Concision is key succinct 간결한(=concise) ex) A strong and succinct subject is the most important step in writing business emails. wordy 장황한 deflect 1. (특히 무엇에 맞고 난 뒤) 방향을 바꾸다[바꾸게 하다] 2. 동사 (관심·비판 등을) 피하다[모면하다] (=divert) 3. 동사 (~하지 못하도록) ~를 막다 pet peeve : something that a particular person finds especially annoying. ex) "one of my biggest pet peeves is poor customer service"

Daily Life/English 2022.09.13

[TIL] 영어 - 2022.08.01 (Mon)

gripe 1. 불만 2. 불평을 해 대다 demeaning 비하하는, 모욕적인 alienate 1. (사람을) 소원하게[멀어지게] 만들다 2. 소외감을 느끼게 하다 ex) When you're setting up difficulty levels, maybe try naming your least challenging one "story mode" or something? Something that signifies that the player is playing for the experience rather than the challenge? Terms like "super easy" or "baby mode" are kind of demeaning. Remember a lot of people pic..

Daily Life/English 2022.08.01