Daily Life/English 56

[TWIL] 3월 4주 영어공부

procrastinating : 미루는 것 savvy : 지식 /ˈsavē/ 발음!! prevalent : 널리 퍼져있는, 일반적인 /ˈprev(ə)lənt/ widespread in a particular area or at a particular time. consolation : 위안 - Interview : Technology Is a Tool, Not a Purpose disposable income : extra money available (after you have paid bills etc) that you can use freely. ex) Luxury brands market towards customers who have a large disposable income. To wing..

Daily Life/English 2021.03.20

Vocabulary and Phrases - 2월 3주

- Virtual Reality: Total Immersion She's an American, possibly in her early/middle/late 50's. I have 3 in my family (X) --> There are 3 members in my family (O) We talk each other every day (X) --> We talk with each other every day. (O) ※ talk to : A가 B에게 일방적으로 말하는 것. talk with : A와 B가 쌍방으로 말하는 것. 서로 대화하는 것. This job really fits to me (X) --> This job really fits me (O) This job suits me (O) My ..

Daily Life/English 2021.02.15

Vocabulary and Phrases - 2월 2주

설날 주간이라 목요일-금요일이 빨간날이어서 패스트원 수업 한 번, 전화영어도 한 번 했다. : ) 요즘 수업 복습이 좀 밀리고 있었는데 연휴여서 다행이다 ㅎㅎ - What it Means to be a Man Script : www.ted.com/talks/tony_porter_a_call_to_men beg to differ : politely disagree. a way of saying "I do not agree" that is polite, but may sound unfriendly. ex) I beg to differ to your substandard taste in clothes. ex) He is so arrogant that if someone were to beg to differ ..

Daily Life/English 2021.02.11

Vocabulary and Phrases - 2월 1주

- Stars Talk About Their Favorite Filming Memories - R과 L 발음 구별 잘 하기!! 발음 유의!!! The people one year older than me.. (X) --> People who are one year older than me ... If you're born in the year of horse, .... I became hated again (X) : 사람들이 나를 싫어하게 됐다는 말 ㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ I liked it at first, but then I grew to hate it. (O) It grew in me. I want to love it again (△) --> I'm forcing myself to get into it agai..

Daily Life/English 2021.02.02

Vocabulary and Phrases - 1월 5주

- Describing an Encounter With a Millenial Go to my friend's house --> I'll go to see my friend. : 문법적으로 틀린 표현은 아니지만 go to see my friend 가 더 자연스럽다. : home vs house 다름. - home : I have lived in Korea more than ten years. Now it feels like home to me. - house : 좀 더 '구조'에 관한 것. roof가 있고.. 이렇게 생겼고... I have never lived there. I have never lived abroad. I want to play with my friends --> I want to ha..

Daily Life/English 2021.01.25