Daily Life/English 65

[CNN/Voca] Trump issues orders banning TikTok and WeChat from operating in 45 days (중략)

원문: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/06/politics/trump-executive-order-tiktok/index.html Trump issues orders banning TikTok and WeChat from operating in 45 days if they are not sold by Chinese parent companies President Donald Trump on Thursday issued executive orders that would ban the social media app TikTok and WeChat from operating in the US in 45 days if they are not sold by their Chinese-ow..

Daily Life/English 2020.08.08

[CNN/Voca] Louisiana Supreme Court upholds Black man's life sentence for stealing hedge clippers more than 20 years ago

원문: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/06/us/louisiana-supreme-court-trnd/index.html Louisiana Supreme Court upholds Black man's life sentence for stealing hedge clippers more than 20 years ago A Black Louisiana man will spend the rest of his life in prison for stealing hedge clippers, after the Louisiana Supreme Court denied his request to have his sentence overturned last week. www.cnn.com - upho..

Daily Life/English 2020.08.08

2020.08.06(Thu) Idioms + examples

# 15 Idioms and sentece examples 1. create a lot of hype : 큰 화제를 일으키다. def) hype : a situation in which sth is advertised and discussed in newspapers, on television, etc. a lot in order to attract everyoone's interest. 광고. 선전. ex) The movie ParaSite created a lof of hype. ex) The Academy Awards this year created a lot of hype. 2. thought-provoking : 생각을 하게 만드는. def) challenging or causing someon..

Daily Life/English 2020.08.07

[미드] Silicon Valley 영어 표현 정리

#Ep4 broad stroke : Major features ok key points; outline. 개요. game: 투지. ex) You know, I always knew I was missing something and then someone explained to me the concept of game, I remember very distinctly thinking, “Tha’ts what I don’t have. Game.” #Ep5 scurry: 종종걸음 치다. move hurriedly with short quick steps. I'm going to be straight with you 솔직하게 얘기할게 - 모니카가 리처드한테 조언해주면서 한 말. #Season1 Ep6~8, Se..

Daily Life/English 2020.03.14

Late-eighteenth-century English cultural authorities seemingly ~

Late-eighteenth-century English cultural authorities seemingly ~ - 18세기 후반, 여성들은 소설보다는 역사책을 읽기를 권유받았음. - Hanway와 Jane Austen의 소설에서 여주인공들은 역사책을 읽는 것으로 묘사됨. - 이것은 일면 Hanway와 Jane Austen이, 여성들에게 소설책보다는 역사책을 읽기를 권유하는 사회적인 분위기에 순응하는 것으로 보일 수 있음 - 그러나, 사실 그들의 소설에서 여주인공들이 역사책을 읽는 것은 다른 의미로 해석될 수 있음. - Hanway의 소설에서 여주인공이 읽는 역사책은 Hume과 Gibbon이 쓴 것인데, 이 둘은 당대에 가장 유명하던 종교적 회의론자였음. 이 시대에 종교적 회의론자는 도덕성을 의심받거..

Daily Life/English 2019.10.31